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crystal bowls healing


Sound healing is a form of vibrational medicine where musical instruments are used with the intention to enhance, heal, and rejuvenate the mind, body and spirit.  This modality has been effectively used by many cultures in healing rituals for eons.

At Sound Etheric, we use drums, didgeridoo, crystal bowls, synthesized frequencies, and the human voice to create what we believe to be healing, relaxing, and nurturing audio or live event experience.


Indigenous way to health

Community Healing 

Indigenous cultures, such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, worked

with healing as a holistic process. Connections to culture, family and land were primary in 

bringing balance to mental, physical, emotional and spiritual needs. We at sound etheric, with

the assistance of our Aboriginal Elder regular visitor, recognise the importance of the didgeridoo and it's vibrational properties.

Shift Your Brain State

Did you know that brain wave patterning affects your mood and behavior?

Beta wave patterns are emitted when we are consciously alert, agitated, tense, or afraid, with frequencies ranging from 13 to 60 pulses per second in the Hertz scale.

Alpha wave patterns are emitted when we are in a state of physical and mental relaxation, although aware of what is happening around us. Their frequency is between 7 to 13 pulses per second.

It has been proven that brain waves can show reduced oscillation when listening to appropriate audio/sounds, and lowered brain waves are tied to enhanced levels of creativity.

There is some evidence that a low range of sound frequencies could help heal both the body and the mind from extreme stress and/or other ailments.

Some hypothesize that the altered oscillation rhythm can reset the brain’s sodium / potassium ratio back to natural levels.

The theory behind this is that if you are stuck in a state of high stress, these ratios are thrown out of homeostatic balance. Some believe that increasing slow wave activity, particularly in the alpha range, can help boost our immune system is also said to Release Anti-Aging hormones, reducing adrenaline levels.


Give yourself a break

The Sound Etheric crystal bowls combined with natural tones, notes and sounds make this audio  not only a healing modality, but a source of rejuvenation, regeneration and relaxation.

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